Growing a business and taking it globally is a must-have goal for any business, but do you know the dark side of starting and growing a business? According to a survey in 2017, about 20% of companies fail in the first year, and only about 33% cross the ten-year goal and it is even worse for start-ups that have a failing percentage of more than 90%. Also, the giant players constantly trying to create their monopoly is another obstacle in the market, which small businesses should keep in mind and fear about. The point is not to compete, it will just burn you nail down and this is what most businesses do and end up filing bankruptcy but the point is to play smart. Let’s talk more about it.
78% of customers have bailed out from making an intended purchase because of inferior service experiences and of those only 4% of dissatisfied customers are heard by any typical business (and we do not want to think what happens to the rest).
Easy To Use CRM System Is One of the Secrets to Making Customers Feel Special.
It’s crucial to realise and estimate the current value and operation costs to start a business. It is also important to note that some businesses may take long years to generate enough profit to meet operational costs. You should have enough funds until your sales pay off these costs.
And these are just the tip of the Iceberg, experience the usability of CRM for your business yourself Read Why Invest in Sales Automation.